Sponsor Registration

The Salinas Valley Ammonia Safety Day (SVASD) committee members would like to thank all returning sponsors, and new sponsors, for your support. The Salinas Valley Ammonia Safety Day will be here soon and we are hoping we can depend on our loyal friends and sponsors to contribute to what we feel as a committee is one of the leading safety day events in the world. As always, your time and generosity assisting us with this particular program is greatly appreciated.

First, you will have the satisfaction of contributing to a most worthwhile training event, and you can send as many of your staff as you wish at no charge to the "in person" event. All sponsors will have their company names displayed on our agenda and in slideshows throughout the day. For Silver sponsors, we upgrade prominence by displaying your logo on the agenda and slideshows. Gold sponsor logos will be most prominently displayed and will receive special recognition during the Safety Day ceremonies. Once again; all sponsors logos will be placed on our website with hyperlinks to sponsoring company's websites. Once your logo is posted, simply click on your logo and it will take you to the corresponding website.

Platinum sponsors will have the greatest prominence, with larger logos and specific recognition, as compared to Gold sponsors. Gold & Platinum sponsors will have the opportunity to participate in a tabletop training exercise with Monterey County emergency responders. The training will demonstrate how your facility can link with fire department responders through an innovative new system that realistically and accurately tracks the threats of an ammonia release. The joint-training exercise is designed to achieve the Federal EPA RMP “coordination requirements” with local public first responders.

Click Here To Return to SVASD.ORG

Location Information

  • Salinas Sports Complex - Home of the California Rodeo
  • 1034 N. Main St., Salinas, CA, 93906 US

Sponsorships that include an Exhibitor Table:


SET UP: Tuesday May 21st, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm or Wednesday May 22nd, 6:00 - 7:00 am

REMOVAL: Wednesday May 22nd, by 5:00 pm
(Tear down of exhibits will begin no earlier than 2:30 pm, the afternoon break will be held in the
exhibitor area from 2:00 - 2:25 pm, when classes resume, vendors may stay or tear down.)

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software